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Web3 Innovators Podcast

Talking to people changing the face of finance and other industries with web3 and blockchain technologies

In the Web3 Innovators Podcast, Conor Svensson, founder of Web3 Labs speaks to those folk changing the face of finance and other industries with web3 and blockchain technologies. Each week he speaks to a new guest who shares insights from their own journey with web3, giving you the chance to learn about challenges they’ve faced along the way, and how it's impacting their industry right now and will in the future.

Season 6

W3I_S6E10_Podcast Cover ES

What's next for layer 2?

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W3I_S6E9_Podcast Cover AG

How can we secure DeFi?

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W3I_S6E8_Podcast Cover BB

How is Web3 changing in person events?

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W3I_S6E7_Podcast Cover DC

How is blockchain evolving in TradFi?

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W3I_S6E3_Podcast Cover JL

Will Artificial General Intelligence help to close the Web3 skills gap?

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W3I_S6E5_Podcast Cover BE

Where is Ethereum headed?

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W3I_S6E4_Podcast Cover DP

How will businesses transition to Web3?

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W3I_S6E3_Podcast Cover JL

Is blockchain the evolution of cloud for businesses?

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W3I_S6E2_Podcast Cover BG

How is Web3 impacting Financial Services?

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W3I_S6E1_Podcast Cover PB

Should enterprise be focussed on public blockchains?

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Season 5

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Do we need quantum resistance in Web3?

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Can financial speculation create useful Web3 ecosystems?

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How will tokens change your online experience?

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W3I_S5E7_Podcast Cover TL

How J.P. Morgan is generating revenue and saving money with blockchain

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W3I_S5E6_Podcast Cover DH

Are NFTs extensions of who we are?

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W3I_S5E5_Podcast Cover PS

Is Web3 a New World or New Economy?

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W3I_S5E4_Podcast Cover CVA

Can trade repositories tokenise assets on public blockchains?

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W3I S5E3 Podcast Cover JK

Should we decentralise ownership?

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W3I S5E2 Podcast Cover SN

Can Ethereum be infinitely scaled?

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W3I S5E1 Podcast Cover RR

Can wholesale payments be tokenized?

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Season 4

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What it takes to Audit Smart Contracts

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Finding Superfans with Web3

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W3I Podcast Cover SS

Bringing Bandwidth On-Chain

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W3I Podcast Cover JDV

The Case for Governance and Sovereignty in Web3

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W3I Podcast Cover ES

Crypto Scams

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W3I Podcast Cover OO

Web3 and Wine

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W3I Podcast Cover BM

Decentralised Derivatives

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W3I Podcast Cover LK

Creating a Web3 Content Network

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W3I Podcast Cover AC

What's next for DeFi?

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Season 3

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Mental Models to Evaluate Blockchain Platforms

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W3I Podcast Cover MB

Web3 UX

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W3I Podcast Cover YS

Smart Contract Auditing

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W3I Podcast Cover JT

Combining AI research with DAOs

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W3I Podcast Cover JB

Key management for Web3

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W3I Podcast Cover KJL

The enterprise blockchain landscape

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W3I Podcast Cover KF

The evolution of the web

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W3I Podcast Cover MS

Cutting edge web3 gaming technology

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W3I Podcast Cover DA

Web3 gaming ecosystems

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W3I Podcast Cover AM

Crazy web3 ideas

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Season 2

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Technology challenges that web3 solves

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W3I Podcast Cover MP

Diversity in web3

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W3I Podcast Cover CM+JC

Privacy on layer 2 blockchain networks

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W3I Podcast Cover MG

The Token Taxonomy Framework

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W3I Podcast Cover MK

The importance of interoperability

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BCI Podcast Cover RP

Adapting business to embrace web3

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BCI Podcast Cover AT

The convergence of DeFi and TradFi

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BCI Podcast Cover BM

Web3 standard identity?

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BCI Podcast Cover DPet

Streaming video and NFTs

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BCI Podcast Cover MG

The crypto regulatory climate

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W3I Podcast Cover PB

The future is tokenisation of everything

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BCI Podcast Cover DF

Leading the Interwork Alliance’s IWA Framework

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_BCI Podcast Cover WWZ

Tokens are the future of web3

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_BCI Podcast Cover JF

Blockchain and wholesale money markets

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Season 1

W3I Podcast Cover S1 BE

Ethereum proof of stake

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 WZ

Blockchain interoperability

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 Extras (2)

What's next for Central Bank Digital Currencies, NFTs and DAOs

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 NN

Blockchain evidence based decision making

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 YR

NFTs cross the chasm!

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 SD

Powering the DeFi ecosystem

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 JW

Opportunities for institutional DeFi and decentralized identity

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 PB

Enterprise grade applications on blockchain based business networks

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 DB

Standards and the cross chain movement of assets

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 EA

The future of blockchain protocol adoption

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 KT

DeFi and financial inclusivity

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 JW

Public vs private blockchains in enterprise

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W3I Podcast Cover S1 TM

The potential of DeFi

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W3I_S1E1_Podcast Cover DP

Connecting telco and blockchain

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